About Us

3741_1121218801505_1558115439_286062_2660897_nAs we shared our hobby of hand-crafting sausages with friends and family, we relished the great reaction that people had when they experienced something original.

The Wiener Wagon was built by hand on the hopes and dreams of supplying artisan sausages to the masses.  She made her maiden voyage in July of 2012 for a family gathering & has since been sighted at school fairs, homes tours & company picnics.

After nearly a year of renovating a space in the Library Shops in Overland Park, Kansas, Wiener Kitchen opened its doors for business in 2017.

Husband & wife team, Dave Derr & Jessica Rush have been linked together two decades in the kitchen.  They are both culinary school graduates with extensive backgrounds in regional & international cuisines.  When they’re not slingin’ weenies, their four children do a fair job occupying their time.